As I am writing this I am waiting. Before I was waiting, I was waiting and before that I was waiting. As a matter fact, much to the last few days has seen me waiting a lot. Currently I’m waiting for a train. It’s not too bad, as of my last check, it’s approaching 5 hours or so late. But it’s given me a chance to do a lot of other things like just sit and relax, like make new friends, like almost get run over by bike riding bicycle riders on their way to their Friday coffee club, like listen to the birds outside, like smell the diesel fumes, like people watch, like watch people completely melt down, like make new friends, Like drink water, like run the battery on my phone down checking to see when the train’s coming…
Look, the bottom line is when you’re waiting, find a way to enjoy your newfound time turn. It doesn’t do any good to get upset, sad frustrated, pissed off or freaking out for everyone to see! (As I’ve seen, several people choose to do today.) I’m telling ya, if you don’t already know this you might want to jot it down. Are you ready? Here it is…
You can’t control something that’s out of your control! Also, I don’t believe that the person behind the counter, whether it’s at a McDonald’s somewhere or the receptionist at City Hall or somebody sitting behind the Amtrak counter is the person that made the train hit whatever it hit on the tracks and made you wait. I don’t believe the ticket agent at the airport is the person who determined “There might be a problem with this plane so we better check it before we put it up in the air!” Now of course those are only my thoughts and ideas, you might have much more insight than I do and if you do, good for you and let me know.
In the meantime, here are some things that I noticed when people go off in public over something that they have no control over. Here we go…
They get really loud…
They say stuff that’s just stupid…
They accuse people of things that they probably didn’t do…
They threaten…
They look around to the assembled crowd (who are looking at them because they’re being an asshole) and say to themselves, “Hey, all these people are on my side so I’ll ask em “Can you believe this?” Then, hop on their phone (On SPEAKERPHONE of course) and recount their entire conversation with some poor unfortunate soul somewhere out there. Stop it!!! Go sit facing a corner somewhere and feel shame! (By the way, that would be less demeaning than blowing up at the poor ticket agent who might be making minimum wage if they’re lucky. )
I’m waiting to see if this Blog does any good and society’s collective behavior gets any better. I’ll let you know once I get the memo. In the meantime, I’m currently taking bets on which one arrives first the behavior or my train…